What is Skill Lab

Skill labs are an educational facility that has the potential benefit for undergraduate, postgraduate, Practicing intensivists, physicians dealing with critical Patients, students of critical care medicine, critical care nurses and respiratory therapists and other medical staff. Skill lab provides a safe and protected clinical environment in which the learner can practice clinical skills before using them in real clinical settings. The Clinical skill lab helps to ensure that all students acquire the necessary techniques and are properly assessed before practicing on real patients. In addition, they support the acquisition, maintenance and enhancement of the clinical skills of students in the healthcare profession. The term ‘clinical skills’ involves history-taking, physical examination, clinical investigations, procedural perfection, effective communication, team work.

What are the components of a skill lab?

  • Patient manikin which can simulate real patient problems and crisis situations
  • Two way communication system by which the trainee can communicate with the manikin:
    • Automated
    • Trainer driven
  • Closed Audio visual system for the students and teachers to observe allowing for close scrutiny, recall and debriefing
  • Adequate space and floor area to house the facilities

How we can help?

  • Establish and design the skill lab
  • Maintainence via SIMTICS
  • Simulation based training for both faculty and student
  • Clinical skills lab can be used for teamwork and multi-professional education. It provides the students with the access to learning opportunities in a safe and protected environment. Bridging the gap between the classroom and the clinical setting decreases students’ anxiety.